I have started a new cap in Knit Picks Main Line yarn (now discontinued) - about halfway there now, and also going to attempt making mitts with partial fingers. I figured thumbs are no problem, so fingers should be more of the same. In the meantime, I am happy with my new yarn ball winder and swift, my favorite Yule gifts. I'm a fiber geek, I admit it.
Now, I won't be checking in for at least three weeks, because I have two ballgowns and a man's evening suit to make, circa 1800, for the Jane Austen Evening. Took my friend fabric shopping tonight, and she spent $125 on fabric so that I can have fun sewing. I will post photos of completed outfits at the ball (is my Darcy fangirl geek showing?) so that I can share the Regency love. Her dress is going to be ecru eyelet that has rayon embroidery on it, giving the fabric a slightly more dressy sheen than typical eyelet. The underdress is aqua cotton lawn. The sash is a turquoise shot dupioni that has gold/taupe cross threads in the weave. I'll use that fabric for the trim around the neckline as well as the reticule. I have a changent silk taffeta in navy/sea green, but I'm not sure I want to cut it and make it up into a dress, since I've been losing weight. Maybe next year. In the meantime, I have a pink cotton that has a stripe weave with teeny faggoting bordering the stripes. I have white lawn to use as an underdress, and that may just be my ballgown. The plan is to make false sleeves so that I can wear it as a day dress some other time. I brought the costume tiaras down off the storage shelves tonight. The ball is on the 23rd - can't wait. I plan on having a lot of fun sewing, even if I've only got a week and a half free before the Spring semester starts on January 19th. It usually only takes me about eight hours to make a dress, so I'm not stressing too much. It's the men's outfit that I've got to be more careful with. "Puffy shirt," no problem, waistcoat, no problem. Fall front breeches - never made them before, but they don't look too tricky. Regency dresscoat? It's been awhile since I've done any serious tailoring. Black is good. Black is forgiving of any bobbles that might happen, but truth be told, I'm sure that if I am just cautious and carefully follow the directions in my book of men's costume tailoring, I should be o.k. I figure I can pretty much make anything I want to make. I'm that experienced that I don't get freaked out about trying something out for the first time. I can sew a straight line, I can sew curves. I think I shall do more basting than I normally do when I get to the jacket. That should make my life much easier...